TA in a Nutshell – der Newsletter von openTA - Vol. 04

blog.publicationsDate04.04.23 11:36    blog.lastUpdate 04.04.23 11:36

[see English version below]

TA in a Nutshell – der Newsletter von openTA
(Aprilausgabe - Nr. 04 )
Informationsstand 03.04.2023 13:00 Uhr


Liebe TA-Community,

die neue Ausgabe unseres Newsletters ist da, zeitgleich mit der aktuellen TATuP zum special topic "Modeling for policy" (32/1, 2023), auf die wir Sie bei dieser Gelegenheit sehr gerne aufmerksam machen möchten.

Diesmal haben wir bei der KI ChatGPT naiv gefragt, ob die kommerzielle Raumfahrt (New Space) einen Beitrag leisten kann, um die Globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDG) zu erreichen (engl.: can commercial space travel (new space) contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?) (siehe am Ende des Newsletters). Und mit Hilfe der Midjourney-KI erzeugten wir eine passende Illustration.

Das openTA-Team (Marius Albiez, Jonas Moosmüller, Len Piltz, Constanze Scherz, Ralf Schneider) wünscht eine spannende Lektüre und einen guten Jahresbeginn. Sie finden den Newsletter nachfolgend sowie hier auf openta.net.

Hinweis: Diese Abbildung wurde mithilfe der KI-Software https://midjourney.com/ erstellt.
Dabei kam der folgende Prompt-Text zum Einsatz: »can commercial space travel( new space) contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals( SDG)?«


Aus der NTA-Mailingliste


Wissenschaftlerin / Wissenschaftler (w/m/d) im Bereich systemwissenschaftliche Modellierung und Umwelt- bzw. Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
Max Rubner-Institut, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
Ab sofort
Entgeltgruppe TVöD Bund 14, 50% für 2 Jahre
Frist: 16.04.2023
An: https://karriere.mri.bund.de/wissenschaftlerin-wissenschaftler-wmd-im-bereich-systemwis-de-f559.html
Versendet durch Carmen Priefer am 13.03.2023

Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin / wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (d/m/w)
Orient-Institut Istanbul der bundeseigenen Max-Weber-Stiftung
Ab sofort
Entgeltgruppe TVöD 13, 100% für 3 Jahre
Frist: 11.04.2023
An: https://www.oiist.org/stellenausschreibung-wissenschaftlicher-mitarbeiterin-2023-orient-institut-istanbul/     
Versendet durch Christopher Coenen am 13.03.2023

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in/Doktorand*in im Bereich Digitalisierung, insbesondere Datenschutz
Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
Ab sofort
Entgeltgruppe TVöD, 100% für 4 Jahre
Frist: 24.04.2023
An: Kennziffer 63490
Versendet durch Michael Friedewald am 23.03.2023

Research Fellow im Ethics & Philosophy Lab (m/w/d)
Exzellenz-Cluster "Machine Learning" der Uni Tübingen
Ab sofort
Entgeltgruppe TV-L 13, 100% bis 31.12.2025
Frist: 30.04.2023
An: ml-in-science@unituebingen
Versendet durch Monika Spindler am 29.03.2023



Oliver Tafdrup, Dakota Root, Corinne Cath & Fieke Jansen, Martin Peterson, Vincent Blok, Jessica Imanaka, Rockwell Clancy, Jurgita Imbrasaite, Natalie Haziza, Felicia Jing:
Techné: Research in Technology and Philosophy, Issue 26:3
Versendet durch Michael Poznic am 07.03.2023



Request for participation in a survey (about 10 min.)
Published and managed by students of the BA European Studies Program in Maastricht University:
Versendet durch TATuP am 13.03.2023

19. Futures Lounge von D2030 e.V.
5. April: Die „Zukunftsstrategie“ der Bundesregierung: Melange oder Transformationspfad? Zwei Sichtweisen.
Mit Thomas Sattelberger (Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär a.D.) und Prof. Dr. Uwe Cantner (Vorsitzender der Expertenkommission für Forschung und Innovation (EFI-Kommission)); moderiert von Dr. Marc Bovenschulte (Director of Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) Berlin) und Klaus Burmeister (foresightlab und Vorstand des D2030 e.V.)
Zum Teilnahmelink
Versendet durch Klaus Burmeister am 13.03.2023


Call for Papers

Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis
Special Issue of the journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (http://www.triple-c.at) Edited by Thomas Allmer, Sevda Can Arslan, and Christian Fuchs (Media Systems and Media Organisation Research Group, Paderborn University)
Frist: 20.04.2023
Versendet durch Christian Fuchs am 10.03.2023

KI zur Entscheidungsunterstützung: Was sind mögliche Zukünfte, soziale Auswirkungen, regulatorische Optionen, ethische Fragen und Akteur*innenkonstellationen?
Dieser Call wirbt für das interdisziplinäre Special topic in TATuP – Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, Heft 1/2024. Bitte lesen Sie den vollständigen CfA hier online
Frist: 02.05.2023
Versendet durch TATuP am 15.03.2023

Religion and Technology in an era of Rapid Digital and Climate Change (RaTiRDaCC 2023)
Organized by: RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and IIT Madras (India)
November 21-23, 2023, IIT Madras, INDIA
Frist: 29.04.2023
Versendet durch Axel Siegemund am 17.03.2023

Digitalization for sustainability transformations – Critical perspectives, lessons learned, and future prospects. Augsburg 20-23 September
Frist: 30.04.2023
Versendet durch Ingrid Schneider am 28.03.2023

Interdisziplinäre  Konferenz „Form Privatheit 2023“ (04.-06. Oktober 2023 in Berlin): „Data Sharing – Datenkapitalismus by Default?“
Frist: 21.05.2023
Versendet durch Michael Friedewald am 30.03.2023

TATuP (Ausgabe 1/24)
KI zur Entscheidungsunterstützung: Was sind mögliche Zukünfte, soziale Auswirkungen, regulatorische Optionen, ethische Fragen und Akteur*innenkonstellationen?
Frist: 02.05.2023
Versendet durch TATuP am 28.03.2023



TATuP: Buchrezensionen, Konferenzberichte, Repliken etc.
Aufruf zur Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen in der Rubrik "Reflections" in TATuP -- Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis.

Die 4-Tage-Woche - Rückkehr zu einem Fortschrittsversprechen
Beitrag von Philipp Frey (ITAS) zum Thema 4-Tage-Woche im ZDF heute journal vom 26.03.2023


Naiv nachgefragt

Hier fragen wir regelmäßig beim KI-Dienst ChatGPT von „OpenAI“ nach (https://chat.openai.com/). Die Einordnung der Antworten sei Ihnen als Leser*in selbst überlassen - sowohl was die Inhalte als auch die zugrunde liegenden Werte und Normen angeht. ;)
Diesmal baten wir die KI, für uns die folgende Frage zu beantworten:


Can commercial space travel (new space) contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?


Yes, commercial space travel (also known as "New Space") has the potential to contribute to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are some ways in which New Space could contribute to achieving the SDGs:

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: New Space companies are driving innovation in space technology, which can lead to advancements in communication, transportation, and infrastructure development. For example, companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are developing reusable rockets that could significantly reduce the cost of accessing space and make space travel more accessible for people.

SDG 13 - Climate Action: New Space companies can play a critical role in monitoring the earth's climate and environmental changes. For example, satellites can be used to monitor deforestation, track carbon emissions, and analyze weather patterns.

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals: Commercial space travel is a global effort, with companies, governments, and organizations from around the world collaborating to achieve common goals. These partnerships can lead to shared knowledge, resources, and funding to help achieve the SDGs.

SDG 4 - Quality Education: New Space has the potential to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers, and to provide educational opportunities for people around the world. For example, companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are working to create a more accessible and affordable space tourism industry, which could help to inspire more people to pursue careers in science and engineering.

Overall, commercial space travel has the potential to contribute to several of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is important to ensure that these efforts are conducted in a responsible and sustainable manner, taking into account the potential environmental and social impacts of space activities.



English version


Dear TA community,

the new issue of our newsletter has arrived, together with the current TATuP on the special topic "Modelling for policy" (32/1, 2023), which we would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to.

This time on AI ChatGPT, we naively asked can commercial space travel (new space) contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) (see at the end of the newsletter). And with the help of the Midjourney AI, we generated a fitting illustration.

The openTA team (Marius Albiez, Jonas Moosmüller, Len Piltz, Constanze Scherz, Ralf Schneider) wishes you an exciting read and a good start to the year. You can find the newsletter and here on openta.net.

Note: This illustration has been created with the help of the AI software https://midjourney.com/ by using the following keywords: »can commercial space travel( new space) contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals( SDG)?«


From the NTA mailing list

Job offers

Scientist (f/m/d) in the field of systems science modeling and environmental or sustainability assessment.
Max Rubner Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany
As soon as possible
TVöD Bund 14, 50% for 2 years
Deadline: 16.04.2023
To: https://karriere.mri.bund.de/wissenschaftlerin-wissenschaftler-wmd-im-bereich-systemwis-de-f559.html 
Sent by Carmen Priefer on 13.03.2023

Research Assistant (d/m/w)
Orient-Institut Istanbul of the federally owned Max Weber Foundation
As soon as possible
TVöD Bund 14, 50% for 2 years
Deadline: 16.04.2023
To: https://www.oiist.org/stellenausschreibung-wissenschaftlicher-mitarbeiterin-2023-orient-institut-istanbul/  
Sent by Christopher Coenen on 13.03.2023

Research assistant/doctoral candidate in the field of digitization, especially data protection
Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany
As soon as possible
TVöD, 100% for 4 years
Deadline: 24.04.2023
To: reference number 63490  
Sent by Michael Friedewald on 23.03.2023

Research Fellow im Ethics & Philosophy Lab
Excellence Cluster "Machine Learning" at the University of Tübingen
As soon as possible
TV-L 13, 100% until 31.12.2025
Deadline: 30.04.2023
To: ml-in-science@unituebingen 
Sent by Monika Spindler on 29.03.2023


Publication Releases

Oliver Tafdrup, Dakota Root, Corinne Cath & Fieke Jansen, Martin Peterson, Vincent Blok, Jessica Imanaka, Rockwell Clancy, Jurgita Imbrasaite, Natalie Haziza, Felicia Jing:
Techné: Research in Technology and Philosophy, Issue 26:3
Sent by Michael Poznic on 07.03.2023



Request for participation in a survey (about 10 min.)
Published and managed by students of the BA European Studies Program in Maastricht University:
Versendet durch TATuP am 13.03.2023

19th Futures Lounge of D2030 e.V.
Published and managed by students of the BA European Studies Program in Maastricht University:
5. April: Die „Zukunftsstrategie“ der Bundesregierung: Melange oder Transformationspfad? Zwei Sichtweisen.
Mit Thomas Sattelberger (Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär a.D.) und Prof. Dr. Uwe Cantner (Vorsitzender der Expertenkommission für Forschung und Innovation (EFI-Kommission)); moderiert von Dr. Marc Bovenschulte (Director of Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) Berlin) und Klaus Burmeister (foresightlab und Vorstand des D2030 e.V.)
To the participation link:
Versendet durch Klaus Burmeister am 13.03.2023


Call for Papers

Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis
Special Issue of the journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (http://www.triple-c.at) Edited by Thomas Allmer, Sevda Can Arslan, and Christian Fuchs (Media Systems and Media Organisation Research Group, Paderborn University)
Deadline: 20.04.2023
Sent by Christian Fuchs on 10.03.2023

AI for decision support: what are possible futures, social implications, regulatory options, ethical issues, and actor* constellations?
This call promotes the interdisciplinary Special topic in TATuP - Journal of Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice, issue 1/2024. Please read the full CfA online here.
Deadline: 02.05.2023
Sent by TATuP on 15.03.2023

Religion and Technology in an era of Rapid Digital and Climate Change (RaTiRDaCC 2023)
Organized by: RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and IIT Madras (India)
November 21-23, 2023, IIT Madras, INDIA
Deadline: 29.04.2023
Sent by Axel Siegemund on 17.03.2023

Digitalization for sustainability transformations – Critical perspectives, lessons learned, and future prospects. Augsburg 20-23 September
Deadline: 30.04.2023
Sent by Ingrid Schneider on 28.03.2023

TATuP (Issue 1/24)
AI for decision support: what are possible futures, social implications, regulatory options, ethical issues, and actor* constellations?
Deadline: 02.05.2023
Sent by TATuP on 28.03.2023

Interdisciplinary Conference "Form Privatheit 2023" (October 04-06, 2023 in Berlin): "Data Sharing - Data Capitalism by Default?"
Deadline: 21.05.2023
Sent by Michael Friedewald on 30.03.2023


openTA blog

TATuP: book reviews, conference reports, replications, etc.
Call for papers in the Reflections section of TATuP -- Journal of Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice.

The 4-day week - a return to a promise of progress
Contribution by Philipp Frey (ITAS) on the subject of the 4-day week in the ZDF heute journal from 26.03.2023


Ask the AI

Here we regularly ask the AI service ChatGPT from "OpenAI" (https://chat.openai.com/). It is up to you to interpret the answers in terms of values and norms ;)

This time we asked the AI to answer the following question for us:


Can commercial space travel (new space) contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?


"Yes, commercial space travel (also known as "New Space") has the potential to contribute to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are some ways in which New Space could contribute to achieving the SDGs:

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: New Space companies are driving innovation in space technology, which can lead to advancements in communication, transportation, and infrastructure development. For example, companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are developing reusable rockets that could significantly reduce the cost of accessing space and make space travel more accessible for people.

SDG 13 - Climate Action: New Space companies can play a critical role in monitoring the earth's climate and environmental changes. For example, satellites can be used to monitor deforestation, track carbon emissions, and analyze weather patterns.

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals: Commercial space travel is a global effort, with companies, governments, and organizations from around the world collaborating to achieve common goals. These partnerships can lead to shared knowledge, resources, and funding to help achieve the SDGs.

SDG 4 - Quality Education: New Space has the potential to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers, and to provide educational opportunities for people around the world. For example, companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are working to create a more accessible and affordable space tourism industry, which could help to inspire more people to pursue careers in science and engineering.

Overall, commercial space travel has the potential to contribute to several of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is important to ensure that these efforts are conducted in a responsible and sustainable manner, taking into account the potential environmental and social impacts of space activities."

blog.author Ralf Schneider | 9329 blog.views, 0 blog.comments nachhaltigkeit tatup raumfahrt
blog.user blog.posts blog.date
Michael Nentwich 8 blog.before 3 blog.months
Ralf Schneider 24 blog.before 5 blog.months
Leonie Seng 3 blog.before 7 blog.months
Marius Albiez 28 blog.before 8 blog.months
Ansgar Skoda 18 blog.before 1 blog.year
Christoph Kehl 14 blog.before 1 blog.year
Tanja Sinozic-Martinez 2 blog.before 1 blog.year
openTA Gastbeitrag 4 blog.before 2 blog.years
Tanja Sinozic 13 blog.before 2 blog.years
Dirk Hommrich 9 blog.before 2 blog.years